Souls of Hip Hop

Daily Power Thoughts #86

Soulidarity LLC Season 3 Episode 86

Harnessing the power of thought is fundamental in designing your best life and nourishing your soul. In this season, we share quotes, takeaways from our guests and affirmations to energize your day. Let this season help to awaken your best you, uplift, inspire and bring daily joy. Knowledge is power. 

In episode 86, we talk about resentment.

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Welcome to Souls of Hip Hop: daily power thoughts. Harnessing the power of thought is fundamental in designing your best life and nourishing your soul. In this season, we share quotes, takeaways from our guests, and affirmations to energize your day. Let this season help to awaken your best you, uplift, inspire and bring daily joy. Knowledge is power. Today's power thought is about resentment and comes from South African Black nationalists who spent 27 years in prison for fighting against the country's discriminatory apartheid system of racial segregation. Nelson Mandela. His negotiations in the early 1990s, with South African president, FW de Klerk helped bring an end to apartheid and ushered in a peaceful transition to majority rule. Mandela served as president from 1994 to 1999 of the country's first multi ethnic government. Here's the quote, resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies. Resentment is harboring of ill will or anger against someone who you feel has wronged or hurt you, and you couldn't stop it. Some people hold resentments for many years, refusing to let go of them. Over time, whatever caused the original anger and lead to the resentment may be forgotten. While the resentment remains like it's still smoldering Ember left after the flames of a fire dying down. resentments left and attended can lead to bottled up emotions, and unhealthy outbursts, resentment and other negative emotions like contempt, anger and bitterness damage our normal psychological makeup and interfere with our immune system as well as causing us to be susceptible to illness and disease. Some ways to overcome bitterness and resentment are, forgive yourself and others. focus on improving yourself. Pray for them and your heart. Take a moment to imagine what you would feel like if you simply let it go. If that's too much, how about being more relaxed about the situation? I


I am releasing all resentment and offering it to my Creator for healing. I am forgiving and praying for the well being of all those who have done harm to me. Our theme music was beatboxed y Denis the Menace and produce by Zede. A big shout out to he brothers from Switzerla The background music was produced by Taki Brano. A big hank you to our brosky from rovidence. Our podcast asically runs on coffee. to keep our show running you can support by buying us a coffee through t e link in our show note I am Candy. I'm DJ Razor Cut. A d this is souls of hip