Souls of Hip Hop
Souls of Hip Hop
Daily Power Thoughts #87
Harnessing the power of thought is fundamental in designing your best life and nourishing your soul. In this season, we share quotes, takeaways from our guests and affirmations to energize your day. Let this season help to awaken your best you, uplift, inspire and bring daily joy. Knowledge is power.
In episode 87, we talk about gardening.
Welcome to Souls of Hip Hop: daily power thoughts. Harnessing the power of thought is fundamental in designing your best life and nourishing your soul. In this season, we share quotes, takeaways from our guests, and affirmations to energize your day. Let this season help to awaken your best you, uplift, inspire and bring daily joy. Knowledge is power. Today's power thought is about g rdening and comes from an A erican author best known for h s inspirational book, life's l ttle instruction book. A. Ja kson Browne Jr. Here's the qu te. Remember the children, ma riages and flower gardens re lect the kind of care they ge. being outside increases yo r exposure to vitamin D and th weight bearing exercise of ga dening is good for bones and th heart. One study you have fo nd that gardening decreases yo r risk of dementia. You never ha e to stop. gardeners can co tinue to grow plants and en oy the hobby even as they get ol er. Gardening with children is very rewarding gives you an in ight into where food comes fr m, and how much energy it ta es to grow it as well as te ching them valuable life sk lls such as responsibility, pr blem solving, decision ma ing, caring, and teamwork. Our theme music was beatboxed b Denis the Menace and produced by Zede. A big shout out to t e brothers from Switzerlan The background music was produced by Taki Brano. A big hank you to our brosky from rovidence. Our podcast asically runs on coffee. To keep our show running you can support by buying us coffee through the link in our show notes. I am candy. I'm DJ Razor Cut. And this is souls of h